The Fam

The Fam
Why yes we are insane.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Dudes are here, working away.  I am at the point where I need to figure out where we are living once all the stuff goes in. We really do not want everyone inside touching walls.  If it were say October, then it would be camping time, but it is not.... So we have a nice travel trailer, that we are using during the day. But it's crunch time, we should be working on master bedroom and bath this week.

Here is a picture of the kitchen so far.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

The dudes have been pretty flaky. Here Monday, not Tuesday, here Wednesday, not here today. It is becoming a tab worrisome.  Granted it is super hot, and they claim to have truck problems.

My Mom rooms is done with paint. I still have a mess of unpainted cabinets in my living room. The dudes did buy all the molding yesterday so it is sitting on my front porch as is 11 doors, 3 gallons of stain.   The schedule the dudes had me write out intended them finishing the kitchen part today so that I could get cabinets in, and then make a call to Lowes for the countertops... I guess that not happening. Tomorrow MacGyver and I have an errand to do an will be gone all day.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Saturday, Saturday, Saturday...... Am I the only one that hears Elton John everytime they say Saturday?

MacGyver is working on fence, he is on call, so if no calls a great bit of the fence should be done.

I did not get the cabinet figured out, I seem to be avoiding it. Why?? Who knows... Money maybe, that will be a lot of money in on fail swoop.  

Maybe a romantic trip with MacGyver this afternoon to give him a break from the heat to our local Sutherlands to buy the cabinets.

First a nap for 5 of the hordes an I,  one was up vomiting all night.....

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Poking along.

Both kids and my Mom bathrooms are taped and textured, so just paint, and molding.

My Moms room is tape and textured.

The Dudes are taking tomorrow off, okay.
Then they will be back Monday, then plan to paint those rooms. Tuesday will be kitchen and living room, most likely that will take the rest of next week.

I hope to have the cabinet bought and home by Monday, so we can put them in as soon as the paint dries, then lowes can come out to measure for granite.

Kids bathroom

Moms bathroom

The boys an are still working on clearing the back... ya, good times.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Both so the boys(big and little) rooms are painted, the girls room is painted.

My bedroom is packed up just beds and such.  The living room is down to pets, and a few things from kitchen, and a tote for each kids clothes.

Dudes plan on painting my Mom room tomorrow, so we have to be out of the kitchen and living room tomorrow. Which means my bedroom is home. Once they finish with kitchen and living room, we are moving out to the travel trailer so they are able to get my room ... An a #3,4,5 and will sleep inside.

Monday, July 29, 2013

We got a call last night. The tape and texture dudes truck is broke, so  not a whole lot is getting done today.  Which is good, I woke with a migraine again. Did a few things and went back to bed.  An it's also good because we are able to get laundry done.  We need laundry done.... So it all works out.

MacGyver goes on call tonight. That means we try to go to bed very early, we never when he will have to go out on a call... Or if he won't be gone for 24 hrs the following day.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

We attempted to go to church this am.... We got everyone ready and loaded up.... Baby blow out, if you do not have kids, I am not explain this to you... Just say that I had to bathe a baby... Then we got outside again, #8 a a gusher blood nose, quick change number 2. Load back up, an a flat tire. We carried on, an made it into Corpus, 22 min late, too late to be "fashionably" late.

We made a change of plan, went an got lunch....  Sarah Kosher Deli, it was pretty good.
We ate it at the seashore, MacGyver and I love the smell of the bay, the wind, we (just the two of us) will miss it alot here.

I took #3,7,8,9 to Sprouts, I am attempting to eat Trim An Health Mama.... I was able to get a few things I needed.

Then we headed to Sam's Club.  There are certain things we can not skip on, like toilet paper, eggs, and butter.

While we were at Sam's, MacGyver went a bought fresh shrimp, how fresh....  It still moving... Right now. I am off from here to cook it...

MacGyver and #3 have the insert in my Moms room done, and are working on the kids room insert.  It should be done in the next hour. Then we plan to watch something on sermonaudio.... Then bed.

This week should be the finishing of my Mom's room, 3 kids room, 2 bathrooms, and the hall. Then we will shift everyone over the other way to work on this side of the house.