The Fam

The Fam
Why yes we are insane.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Both so the boys(big and little) rooms are painted, the girls room is painted.

My bedroom is packed up just beds and such.  The living room is down to pets, and a few things from kitchen, and a tote for each kids clothes.

Dudes plan on painting my Mom room tomorrow, so we have to be out of the kitchen and living room tomorrow. Which means my bedroom is home. Once they finish with kitchen and living room, we are moving out to the travel trailer so they are able to get my room ... An a #3,4,5 and will sleep inside.

Monday, July 29, 2013

We got a call last night. The tape and texture dudes truck is broke, so  not a whole lot is getting done today.  Which is good, I woke with a migraine again. Did a few things and went back to bed.  An it's also good because we are able to get laundry done.  We need laundry done.... So it all works out.

MacGyver goes on call tonight. That means we try to go to bed very early, we never when he will have to go out on a call... Or if he won't be gone for 24 hrs the following day.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

We attempted to go to church this am.... We got everyone ready and loaded up.... Baby blow out, if you do not have kids, I am not explain this to you... Just say that I had to bathe a baby... Then we got outside again, #8 a a gusher blood nose, quick change number 2. Load back up, an a flat tire. We carried on, an made it into Corpus, 22 min late, too late to be "fashionably" late.

We made a change of plan, went an got lunch....  Sarah Kosher Deli, it was pretty good.
We ate it at the seashore, MacGyver and I love the smell of the bay, the wind, we (just the two of us) will miss it alot here.

I took #3,7,8,9 to Sprouts, I am attempting to eat Trim An Health Mama.... I was able to get a few things I needed.

Then we headed to Sam's Club.  There are certain things we can not skip on, like toilet paper, eggs, and butter.

While we were at Sam's, MacGyver went a bought fresh shrimp, how fresh....  It still moving... Right now. I am off from here to cook it...

MacGyver and #3 have the insert in my Moms room done, and are working on the kids room insert.  It should be done in the next hour. Then we plan to watch something on sermonaudio.... Then bed.

This week should be the finishing of my Mom's room, 3 kids room, 2 bathrooms, and the hall. Then we will shift everyone over the other way to work on this side of the house.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

We again have gotten a lot done.

Two out of three bathrooms are demo'ed. We have bought and brought home both shower inserts, that was a huge hassle.   The first store tried to give us a broken one, and then the second one was mismarked in size. As we were checking out I noticed the size looked off... One of the great things about being at a hardware store, tape measures.

While at the second store, I wanted to go over pricing for the kitchen cabinets, but after waiting 45 mins, and having someone paged, then never came.... SO no thank you. I dream of a place where people take pride in their job.... Every single job, no matter what your doing.


Living Room

This is some of the paneling we took off in the bathroom.

This is what my garage looks like

An yard sale stuff in the carport.

This is the girls room, which was that neon green yesterday I posted

The kids bathroom. we have to add the insert back in so they can tape an float Monday.

My Mom's bathroom, again we have to add the insert back in so they can tape and texture Monday.

This is us korean style sleeping.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Yesterday. Tape and Texture dudes worked 4 hours, but did an amazing job... Whatever works.
All the kids rooms are good.
I did a good chunk of my room.

I still need to do kitchen, and laundry, so that is the plan.
The boys did not get any work done on the yard.
MacGyver came home and did not want to work outside.. He had been in blazing sun all day.

finished washroom....

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Good Morning. Waiting for tape and texture dudes.. An waiting....

My Mother room: cleared

Big guys room: cleared

Washroom: NOPE we have a ton of wash still.... I like to make sure everything is washed before going in boxes

I did not get the 2 week menu done. We are trying to eat everything that packaged up(ie spaghetti noodles, freezer meats)
I did get to the store. I also got a paint swatch for our front door, it's red right now, but I think I am painting it a turquoise.

Empty the kitchen of stuff, so that we can work on kitchen tomorrow.

The girls need to be cleared.
The little guys room is being finished up right now..... Matter of fact that #7 in the picture, he looks so happy doesn't he???

So the plan is as follows. I am sequestered in my room with the #9,#10,#11, and #12.   While sequestered #3#4 will clean and empty the girls room.

Somewhere in this mess is our back fence. The entire thing looked like the background just a little while ago. SO today it is yard work for #3,#6, #7, #8 work on clearing the back 2 acres. Since today there is not much we can do inside. Plants grow with vengeance here, so thick it's insane.

This is the fence MacGyver works on each night when he comes home.

He and #3 put an engine in #1 truck this weekend.  While MacGyver worked 15 hours this weekend.

This is what the fence should look like when complete.  By the way this is the front of our place.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Almost of of yesterday list was complete... I ended up spending way too much time looking a tiny houses online(our end goal).

Today make sure everything is in the garage.
Move everything away from walls that is staying, ie beds, couches.
Make up a 2 week rotating menu, simple camping/crock pot style meals.
Go get more plastic bins, more newspaper, formula., and 2 leashes.

Monday, July 22, 2013

So I figured I would keep track of this little bit on insanity.  Most people will be amused watching it, kinda of like our fascination with the circus.   My goal is to have the house on the market by August 22-27th. So just a mere few weeks.  I am going to try to post pictures of before and then afters.  So everyone has to full effect of what we are doing.

I need to spend some time putting together a list of what needs to be done. An a list of normal stuff that needs to be done, say clean out birds cages... I have forgone my "flylady master journal" for the last few years.... I am pretty sure that it has been packed this week. So I will make up a new one... Handwritten.

So today 7/22 : We need to have 90% packed up, and put into the garage.
                         Everything else that is left in the house placed in the middle of the rooms.
                         Everything cleaned.