The Fam

The Fam
Why yes we are insane.

Monday, July 22, 2013

So I figured I would keep track of this little bit on insanity.  Most people will be amused watching it, kinda of like our fascination with the circus.   My goal is to have the house on the market by August 22-27th. So just a mere few weeks.  I am going to try to post pictures of before and then afters.  So everyone has to full effect of what we are doing.

I need to spend some time putting together a list of what needs to be done. An a list of normal stuff that needs to be done, say clean out birds cages... I have forgone my "flylady master journal" for the last few years.... I am pretty sure that it has been packed this week. So I will make up a new one... Handwritten.

So today 7/22 : We need to have 90% packed up, and put into the garage.
                         Everything else that is left in the house placed in the middle of the rooms.
                         Everything cleaned.

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